Fabulous Friday’s Linkup Party- Transitioning Into Fall

Fall is here whether you're up for it or not. Are you automatically thinking brown, burgundy and rust? Well, not that there's anything wrong with that...just be sure not to limit or define your seasonal style by colour alone! Transitioning primarily means staying comfortable while adapting to change of weather. This can be done through... Continue Reading →

3 Fashion Books You’ll Want to Read…

If you'd rather LISTEN to the book reviews, click below (3 min) https://lucybertoldi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/3-fashion-book-reviews-sept.15-2021.m4a Fashion Book Reviews! I've told you before how much this Audible thing is working for me- I can finally get through books without falling asleep! I don't know how it's come to this, as I've always been an avid reader- but now?... Continue Reading →

Stylish Monday: Weekend Style & a LinkUp!

This month's theme for our Stylish Monday collaboration is all about weekend wear- whatever that means to you! That sounds like a fun theme don't you think! So many interesting interpretations and possibilities for styling our creativity! To be honest, I don’t really have a particular look for weekends...except that whatever I decide to wear... Continue Reading →

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