Wear Your Caftans

How do you wear your caftans? I hope not just as cover ups or lounge wear! Styled with the right accessories and footwear, you can wear caftans anytime- anywhere. These superb creations add style, flair and mood to your look. Decide on the right accessories depending on where you're going and I guarantee you'll have... Continue Reading →

Thoughts on ‘Chic’ and ‘Elegant’: Fashion Quotes to Live By

“Chic is no longer synonymous with elegance…The new fashion is unconstrained, bold, solid and realist.” By….  I’ll reveal the author a bit later- and you’ll understand why.  But at face value, how relevant is this quote? All is in the word ‘elegance’.    If elegance is a behaviour, reflecting grace, poise and so on- than I... Continue Reading →

7Day Skirt Challenge Linkup! Who Wears Short Skirts? We Wear…

Remember that jingle?! Honestly it's been awhile since I've worn mine. Dresses, pants, jumpsuits, shorts, tunics...all these take precedence over skirts in my styling. I just noticed that this past week. If it weren't for Gail of Is This Mutton, who put out a fantastic 7 Day Skirt Challenge up on Instagram...I probably still wouldn't... Continue Reading →

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